22 January 2021 REQUEST FOR INPUT ON THE REVIEW OF THE EMPLOYMENT ACT 2007 Dear Esteemed Member, Receive warm greetings from KEPSA. The Employment Act 2007 is the framework law that defines basic conditions of employment of employees and was last reviewed in the year 2007. KEPSA has begun the process of a further review and is now seeking stakeholders’ views before submission to Parliament. In light of COVID-19 pandemic restricting public gatherings, stakeholders are requested to submit their views and input electronically. In this regard, we request you to submit your input by 3rd February 2021 using the format provided below; Current Section to be reviewed Clause Recommendation (what to add or remove) Justification E.g Section 35 on Termination and Dismissal Current clause Remove, add, or amend …………Reason being…………. Kindly submit your input to Emmanuel on eochieng@kepsa.or.ke with a copy to Joyner on jokonjo@kepsa.or.ke. Attached please find a copy of the Act. Best Regards, Carole Kariuki Karuga, MBS, HSC | Chief Executive Officer Kenya Private Sector Alliance | 5th Floor, Shelter Afrique Building, Mamlaka Rd P.O. Box 3556-00100 Nairobi, Kenya Office: +254 20 2730371/2/2727936 | Fax: +254 20 2730374Cell: +254 720 340949 / +254 735 999979 | ceo@kepsa.or.kewww.kepsa.or.ke | The Voice of the Private Sector in Kenya Connect With Us: <<<Get Business Information on Covid-19 >>> Twitter Become a fan on Facebook Write to Us The Voice of Private Sector in Kenya Kenya Private Sector Alliance | 5th Floor, Shelter Afrique Building, Mamlaka Rd | P.O. Box 3556-00100 Nairobi, Kenya Office: +254 20 2730371/2/2727936 | Fax: +254 20 2730374 | Cell: +254 720 340949 | www.kepsa.or.ke | info@kepsa.or.ke |
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