Receive warm greetings from KEPSA.

KEPSA in partnership with Mastercard Foundation has launched an MSME COVID-19 Recovery and Resilience Program. The program will give interest-free, without collateral; Micro loans of up to Ksh. 500,000 and SME loans of up to Ksh. 1.5 million.

To apply, your business must meet the following:

  • Women (18-70yrs) or youth (18-35yrs) owned/led
  • A Micro, Small and Medium enterprise of up to 50 employees
  • Experiencing operational challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic
  • In operation for more than six months
  • Capable to repay the funds within 6 months
  • A KEPSA member directly or indirectly through a business association which is a KEPSA member
  • Not engaged in the following; alcohol, tobacco & drugs related, weapons manufacturer & war related activities, gambling/betting, sex related industries or have ownership by state or parastatal actors

Here is a step by step application guide

  1. Click the link or type on your browser
  2. Create an account on KEPSA SME portal
  3. Go to my SME and add my SME
  4. Add business details
  5. Add ownership details
  6. Add membership details
  7. Review and submit SME details
  8. Go to opportunities
  9. Select the loan application option
  10. Apply for the loan

Business Associations can circulate to their members.

For clarification or assistance please email the program desk at or call +254 773132403 or +254780306036 or +254794968559 .

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